Newsletter: Malcolm Law 1948 – 2022

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It’s with great sadness that we announce the death last month of one of the Heritage Centre’s longest serving volunteers and supporters Malcolm Law. Malcolm joined the project to restore the Mountsorrel branch line as fund raiser in 2010, but quickly extended his help into pretty much all areas of… Continue reading Newsletter: Malcolm Law 1948 – 2022

Dinosaur Hunt

Calling all Dinosaur Hunters! It has been a strange week at the Mountsorrel and Rothley Heritage Centre. The trees are rustling, the leaves have been munched and we have reports of Dinosaur sightings! We invite you to come along to our Dinosaur hunts. You are sure to have a Dino-mite… Continue reading Dinosaur Hunt

Newsletter: Summer 2022

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We hope you are well. When strolling around the trails, admiring the wildflowers and butterflies, you might almost think the world was back to normal. Well we all need a little escape at times. Of course the reality is that we are all feeling the impact of world events. Our… Continue reading Newsletter: Summer 2022

Bear Hunt

♫ If you go down to the woods today…. ♫ You might see some familiar faces. Our woodland has been visited by some friendly bears, could you please help us out! We need spotters of all ages to assist, please come and join us. The bear hunts will take place… Continue reading Bear Hunt

Big Butterfly Count 2022


Do you have an interest in nature and a love of butterflies? Then why not take part in the Big Butterfly Count! All you have to do is record the type and number of butterflies you see in fifteen minutes. Our Nunckley Trail, and wild-flower areas are ideal locations to… Continue reading Big Butterfly Count 2022

Newsletter: January 2022

A very happy New Year to you all and we hope that you had a really good Christmas! We’ve already swung back into action after the Christmas break. The site reopened on January 3rd and has been very busy indeed. Various projects around the site have already seen action from… Continue reading Newsletter: January 2022

Newsletter: Christmas 2021

Memorial Garden Banner

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Covid-free New Year. 2021 was another challenging year for many organisations and the Heritage Centre has been no exception. We were forced to close for a significant part of the year, which has not only been disappointing for visitors, our volunteers and… Continue reading Newsletter: Christmas 2021

Newsletter: May 2021

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It’s some time since our last newsletter so we have a LOT of catching up to do. The extended national lock-down made us think carefully about when and how we should open. We have delayed our opening slightly as it would have been uneconomic to open in April with no… Continue reading Newsletter: May 2021

Merry Christmas from MARCH

Wishing You a Happy New Tear

Firstly we wish you all a merry and safe Christmas and New Year. 2020 has been a very challenging year for many organisations and the Heritage Centre has been no exception. We’ve been forced to close for half of 2020, which has not only been disappointing for visitors, our volunteers… Continue reading Merry Christmas from MARCH

Newsletter: Break-in at the Heritage Centre

Stonemasons Huts

Can you imagine our distress and disappointment when we arrived on Thursday 10th September to discover that the Stonemason’s huts had been broken into? The padlocks had been ripped off the doors and a crow-bar used to break through the roller shutter doors behind. Two of the huts are used… Continue reading Newsletter: Break-in at the Heritage Centre