Spooky Ghost Train 2024

Ghost train banner

Join us on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd November for a fun and spooky train ride on our Quarry Bottom narrow gauge railway. Our volunteers have transformed the line giving it a spooky, haunted makeover. Look out for the animated witches, the giant spider, banjo playing skeleton and… Continue reading Spooky Ghost Train 2024

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop 2024

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We are running two festive wreath making workshops at the Heritage Centre. Choose from the morning (10:15am to 12:15pm) or afternoon (1pm to 3pm) session on Saturday 7th December. The workshops will take place under our pergola on the Granite’s patio. All equipment and materials are provided to create your… Continue reading Christmas Wreath Making Workshop 2024

Newsletter: Christmas 2023

Wishing you a merry Christmas Santa

May we start by wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you are thinking of visiting please remember that we will be closed from Saturday 23rd December to the 1st January, reopening on the 2nd. Thanks to our amazing volunteers and supporters we continue to add… Continue reading Newsletter: Christmas 2023

Carol Singing

Carol Singing banner

You are welcome to join us for an afternoon of festive carol singing with our Heritage Centre volunteers. This years event will take place on Saturday 2nd December between 2pm and 3:30pm under our new pergola on Granite’s patio. Please feel free to join in. We will also be lighting… Continue reading Carol Singing

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop

Wreath making banner

We are running two festive wreath making workshops at the Heritage Centre. Choose from the morning (10am to noon) or afternoon (2pm to 4pm) session on Saturday 25th November. The workshops will take place under our new pergola on the Granite’s patio. All equipment and materials are provided to create… Continue reading Christmas Wreath Making Workshop

Spooky Ghost Train

Ghost train banner

Join us on the weekend of the 28th and 29th October for a fun and spooky train ride on our Quarry Bottom narrow gauge railway. Our volunteers have transformed the line giving it a spooky, haunted makeover. Look out for the animated witches, the giant spider, banjo playing skeleton and… Continue reading Spooky Ghost Train

Newsletter: Summer 2023

Well it has certainly been a hectic six months since the last newsletter. They do say “The best laid schemes of Mice and Men” but the last few months have definitely tested us. In spite of these setbacks virtually all the projects mentioned back in December have been delivered. So… Continue reading Newsletter: Summer 2023

GCR Trains: Feb-Mar 2023

DMU at Nunckley Hill

We are thrilled that the Great Central Railway will be running passenger trains on the Mountsorrel branch line again from the end of February! It’s two and a half years since trains last ran on the line and three and a half years since they last ran all the way… Continue reading GCR Trains: Feb-Mar 2023

Newsletter: Christmas 2022

Wishing You a Happy New Tear

May we start by wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you are thinking of visiting please remember that we will be closed from Saturday 24th December to the 1st January, reopening on the 2nd. We were optimistic that relaxation of the Covid restrictions would bring… Continue reading Newsletter: Christmas 2022

Newsletter: Chris and Tony’s epic bike ride

Altitude banner

This newsletter is a slight departure from the norm. I could say well done Tony and Chris for completing your challenge, but it just wouldn’t sum up what they have been through. So for a change this is our recollection of their epic journey thanks to Steve’s regular updates and… Continue reading Newsletter: Chris and Tony’s epic bike ride