With less than a week to go the volunteers have been working hard.
Whilst the eco team have been strimming back the roadside verges to ease access for the visitors, the track team have been moving sleepers from the base of Nunckley quarry to make space for parking.
Much of the scaffolding around the Heritage Centre building has also been removed in readiness for the opening weekend.
Details of the locos and coaches have also now been agreed:
The trains will be “top and tailed” by 0-4-0 Peckett “Teddy” and 0-4-0 LNER Y7 from the Middleton Railway (which replaces the advertised “Colin McAndrew” which has a mechanical fault). “Teddy” is named after the rev Teddy Boston who set up the Cadeby Light Railway in the grounds of the Cadeby village rectory. The loco was based there from 1982 until 2006. It is wonderful to see the loco back in Leicestershire again. Both locomotives are ideal for the Mountsorrel Railway with its tight curves and steep gradients and we are very grateful to the owners of both locomotives for allowing them to come and be part of the historic opening!
Each train will consist of two coaches, the suburban coach (pictured above) and the GCR’s Arrowvale observation car. Together they can carry around 70 people, with 40 tickets for each train allocated for advanced booking.
It appears that our weather booking has been accepted (see Metcheck Weather), so with fine weather forecast and two thirds of the tickets already sold, why take a risk? Book now at
There will still be tickets available for every train to buy on the day (cash only), but we recommend advance booking to avoid having to queue at busy times over the weekend. Remember that this is the only weekend you’ll be able to ride the Mountsorrel Railway for the foreseeable future. Future plans for passenger trains are still to be determined. With two steam locos hauling each train, October 24th/25th is certainly a weekend not to be missed!
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