Our most frequently asked questions are “When will trains next run on the line?” followed by “Can I catch a through train to Leicester/Rothley/Quorn/Loughborough?”
Well we can give you a definite answer to the first question; the weekend of the 25th/26th March!
The answer to the second question is more difficult to answer. Basically the Mountsorrel Branch was a mineral line, and was never built (or signalled) for passenger transport. Because of the signalling and points arrangement at Swithland we are not currently allowed to run passenger trains from the main GCR lines onto, and off, the branch line. However plans are afoot to improve the signalling at Swithland to rectify this. The GCR’s signalling team have agreed to perform the work. In order to proceed we need to purchase the hardware, which will cost around £75,000. We have some very generous benefactors who have agreed to match any public donations. We are accepting postal donations and have launched an internet crowdfunding appeal to raise £5,000 of the remaining balance (see below).
The improvements will not only enhance the frequency and type of trains the GCR is able to run on the Mountsorrel Railway, but will also benefit visitors to the GCR who will be able to ride by train to the heritage centre.
Any amount large or small is greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate by cheque then we have a Donation Form which includes a Gift Aid Declaration (if applicable) for you to complete. Please send cheques made payable to “DCRT” (The David Clarke Railway Trust) to 240 Swithland Lane, Rothley, Leicestershire. LE7 7UE. Please write ‘Swithland Signalling Upgrade’ on the reverse of cheques.
Alternatively, if you would like to donate online, via our JustGiving crowdfunding page, simply click on the image below.
If you have any queries or you would like to donate on-line then contact us via donate@heritage-centre.co.uk.
To date we have managed to raise £68,000 from sponsors and supporters outside of the JustGiving appeal, hence our original JustGiving target has now been significantly reduced to just £5000.