Our eco volunteers are keen to attract new volunteers to join them in their quest to look after the wildlife on the Nunckley Trail and the heritage centre site generally.
We need keen gardeners who are willing to come and get stuck in to keep the trail keep looking as beautiful as it does currently.
We have an Eco Volunteer Open Day on Thursday July 14th. Our volunteers will give guided tours of the trail, and the rest of the site, to prospective volunteers, so they can see the type of things we get involved with and see how they can become involved themselves. Hour long tours will set off from the patio outside Granite’s Coffee Shop at 10am, 11am, midday, 1pm and 2pm.
Volunteer sessions for the eco team take place every Tuesday and Thursday between 9:30 and 2pm, so if prospective new volunteers are available on one or both of those days then come along and find out how you can get involved.